Monday, July 16, 2012

His Birthdayyy

Happy birthday to my beloved boyfrienddddd <3 hihihi 
I was really upset cause the cake i ordered melts because i didn't told my driver to put it into the fridge. I was in panic at the moment, but then, thankfully i thought of dutch bakery. The nearest bakery i could find. Anyway, it wasn't really a big surprise. Still kinda upset and mad at the same time ): goshhhhh

it was melting :(
so i bought this instead :(
Lesson i got today is that always put the cakes into the fridge. Especially when you told someone else to take it for you. It happened to me ): i told my driver to take it and unfortunately he doesn't understand english ):
Anyway, it has to be a good day. So smile to the problem! :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Was having a BBQ with formedos last night. Unfortunately, winaldo didn't join us. He was at jakarta. I bet it's the cleanest BBQ so far. Lol. Everything was neat and tidy :) we grilled shrimps, sausages, meatballs, chicken, fish, and marshmallow. It was all delicioussss. Thanks to Tommy. Hihihi. The marshmellow was freaking good. It's as sweet as vanila creme brulee :9 we started grilling at 00:30 am i guess. We was busy cleaning chicken and stuff and prepared everything. It was all worth it. Haha. And i was freaking full either. We went home at 4.30 am. And when i was home, my grandma was awake, which is weird because i was about to take a bath and go to sleep. Hahaha

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